Ferran Muñoz

Portrait of Ferran Muñoz

Project for Ferran Muñoz street in Begues, Barcelona

First prize in competition

The proposal proposes a standard section with a single platform and reversed priority, in which vehicles circulate along the axis of the street together with the east-west direction of bicycle traffic, given that vehicle traffic is expected to circulate at less than 20 km/h. Despite the symmetrical size distribution, the cross-section differentiates the character of the northern and southern strips in coherence with the analysis of intensity of use.

Portrait of Ferran Muñoz

The north side is conceived as a space for pedestrian use only and incorporates a line of trees in generously sized tree surrounds with shrubbery. In contrast, on the south side, a strip is proposed for bicycle traffic in the opposite direction to the central lane, in order to guarantee the safety of both cyclists and pedestrians.

In the same way that in the cross section a segregation of uses is proposed through the colours and formats of the paving, in the longitudinal direction the paving will be used to highlight the gradient of priorities along the axis of the street, from a priority for vehicular traffic at the ends to a total priority for pedestrians in the central area.

Portrait of Ferran Muñoz
Tipology Public space
Area 1.500 m²
Developer Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona - Ajuntament de Begues
Architect Ada Sánchez Arcusa
Dinàmica Team Marta Gallart
Partners cvc ingenieros (instalaciones, estructura y control de costes)
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